Sunday, January 18, 2009

Breast Enlargement and the Economy

I heard a plastic surgeon speaking on the TV, yesterday, about how the economy was affecting his business. It seems that women are coming into his practice to see about breast enhancement, getting the information and then saying, "I'll just go out to the car and get my checkbook" and then not coming back at all.

Let's face it breast enlargement surgery is expensive and risky and it should be the exception and not the rule as the way for a woman to have larger breasts.

Women can and do enlarge their breasts naturally and without spending a lot of money.

If you are on a budget, but want to get started on growing your breast larger, naturally, here are some suggestions:

Get informed on how you can enlarge your breasts naturally. Get a copy of Flat to Fab Breast Enlargement Program. This guide will explain to you how natural breast enlargement works. It will show you what herbs to take and how to make your own breast cream.

If you prefer to use a commercial product to enlarge your breasts. A hundred thousand women have had success with the breast enlargement cream Perfect Woman. This is a quality breast enlarging cream that works.

And finally, if you prefer herbal breast enlarging supplements, then Breast Success contains all the best herbal ingredients to maximize your breast growth.

If the money is really tight, then buy the Breast Enlargement Program Guide now and then start your program with next month's budget. This is a very small investment for getting bigger breasts.

I went from A Cups to C Cups, naturally, using the sources mentioned above, without spending a fortune and so can you. The great thing about my breasts, compared to those coming from plastic surgeons is that THEY ARE MINE, and not some plastic filled bags...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Breast Enhancement Surgery Causes Second Pair?

Woman grows extra breasts...

I came across this news story dated way back to April 1, 2004:
    "A woman in central China who paid for breast enlargement surgery ended up with an unwanted bonus - two extra breasts.

    The 24-year-old woman found the extra breasts growing on her stomach one year after she underwent surgery at a clinic in Hunan province.

    The extra breasts grew and grew until the woman was forced to undergo a second operation to get rid of them, according to the Hong Kong edition of the China Daily yesterday.

    The initial operation was carried out at a small beauty salon which was unauthorized to carry out breast enlargement surgery, the newspaper said."
The link to the story is here. As the item is dated on April 1st, this may be a joke story, although there are no indications that it is an April Fool's Story.

But whether the surgery induced a second pair of breasts or not - THE REAL TRUTH IS that breast enhancement surgeries do have real negative effects. Women get injured by these surgeries all the time. There is even some evidence that women who have breast implants commit suicide more often!

IF YOU WANT TO HAVE LARGER BREASTS, explore the natural methods first. Hundreds of thousands of women have been able to, like me, re-stimulate their breast growth through natural herbs and gain larger breasts. And the biggest side effect I have experienced - has been more attention.

Check out the information in Flat To Fab Breast Enlargement Program or visit my website to learn more about the natural ways to have larger breasts.