Friday, August 29, 2008

Breast Enlargement and Bloating

A common concern that women express about natural breast enlargement is that the herbs they take will make them gain weight. "After all," these women may think, "herbal extracts are making my breast larger, won't it make other parts of my body larger, too?"

This is not true. The herbal extracts that tell your breasts to grow, do just that and nothing else. There are cell receptors in your breasts that are turned on by phytoestrogens (plant extracts). These special receptors instruct your breasts to grow, by adding new support tissues as well as adding new fat cells to your breasts. But they do not effect the rest of your body.

In fact, some women use a breast cream when they are losing weight to help maintain their current breast size.

But some breast enlargement herbs while not associated with weight gain, CAN cause temporary bloating.

The good news is that there are steps you can take to counteract this effect so you can enjoy bigger breasts AND a sleek, sexy body. Here are 3 bloat-busting secrets:

1. Try parsley tea.
- Parsley is an effective diuretic that's great for beating water retention. Look for parsley tea bags at your local health food store or make your own brew out of dried or fresh parsley sprigs.

2. Increase your protein intake. - Protein also has diuretic properties, so be sure to eat plenty of it each day. I am suggesting good, organic meat and NOT McDonald's hamburgers here. Note that excess carbs, on the other hand, tend to promote bloating.

3. Drink more water. - This is probably the most important thing to do. Bloating, strangely enough, is primarily caused by dehydration. The easiest solution is to drink enough water. This is common sense advice, but most people STILL don't get the recommended 8 glasses of water each day.

Water is the stuff of life. It is basic to good health for your breasts and the rest of your body.

So don't let your fear of gaining weight, keep you from gaining a larger bust. And if you do have any temporary bloating, from breast enlarging herbs or other reasons, now you know what to do about it.

A source for some of the information in this post is Lucille Sorella, author of the Flat to Fab, Breast Enlargement Program.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Why Do You Want Larger Breasts?

Women's breasts change over time. This can be caused by many things - weight changes, childbirth and breastfeeding, the natural aging process, and just the effects of gravity. Because of these changes that occur just living life - breasts that were once full and perky can become flatter and saggier. And one day, you are looking in the mirror and wonder what happened to my breasts? Is there anything I can do to make them fuller and firmer?

This is often the time a woman starts looking for ways to enlarge and firm up her breasts. My suggestion is to turn to natural herbal methods to "recharge" your breasts.

There are herbs such as fenugreek, fennel and red clover that can instruct your body to start regrowing your breasts. These herbs and other phytoestrogen containing plants tell the body to add new fat cells to the breast area, firming them up and making them bigger. They also instruct the body to build new support tissues, as well.

Of course, many young women who have underdeveloped breasts may look at their female friends, peers, or those they work with and feel uncomfortable around them due to the size of their breasts. They, too, may want to look towards herbal methods to enlarge their breasts.

So why do you want larger breasts? Is to boost your self-esteem and self-confidence? Is it to reverse some of the effects of living life? Or is it to just to get the breasts you missed out on during puberty?

For more information about how to use herbs for natural breast enlargement, check out Flat to Fab.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Do Bigger Breasts Mean Greater Self-Esteem?

"Women who undergo breast enlargement often experience a huge boost in self-esteem and positive feelings about their sexuality..."

Study after study indicate that women who enlarge their breasts are happier as expressed by greater self-image, increased sexual arousal and increased sexual satisfaction.

Let's face it, we live in a society where there is a lot of pressure to have a woman's body fit the "vision" of female sexuality. If your breasts are small, then you know about that pressure.

I have been called a stick and many other terms that reflected my lack of a bosom. I learned to ignore what others said. Still I was surprised how nice it suddenly was when my breast got larger - I could wear a t-shirt and jeans and look like a woman. There was no mistaking my more curvy figure.

In the bedroom, I don't think my husband acted that much differently, but I did. Somehow I have become less inhibited. I think I was hiding a part of my sexuality as I unconsciously tried to hide my body...

But I not a psychologist, so... I just don't seem to worry about what I look like as much. In fact, I love the way I look now.

So do I have more self-esteem now? I guess so. I lived most of my life trying to not be what my body was, trying to be a smart woman and a good person. That struggle continues, but I feel I have always come, at least, close to being my best most of the time.

But now that I have larger breasts, through natural herbal means, I spend less time being concerned about my body image and more time on the real world...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Good Nutrition Boosts Breast Enlargement

One natural way for women to enlarge their breasts is to take herbal supplements. Herbs such a fennel, etc. contain phytoestrogens that tell your body to signal breast growth as if you were back in puberty.

Your body responds to the phytoestrogens just as if you were releasing the specific estrogens that say "Add new breasts ducts, increase supportive tissues, send in more fat cells to the breast area...".

Since you are asking your body to grow new cells and reinforce tissues and so on, make sure you give your body the tools to build the best cells that it can.

Luckily, you are not a teenager now, going crazy on fast foods and skipping meals. As an adult you should be exercising good nutritional habits. If you are not, this is a good time to get your nutritional act in order. Add a good portion of fruits and vegetables balanced with complete proteins and unrefined carbohydrates to your daily meals.

Most breast enhancing supplement programs I have researched recommend drinking a protein shake or two each day. These shakes provide you with a full supply of complete proteins that help your body build new cells in your breasts.

My protein shake is a glass of soy milk, a scoop of organic hemp protein powder and maybe a tablespoon of ice cream for flavoring. While I am drinking the "shake" I take a kelp tablet for its iodine and a capsule of L-Tyrosine (an amino acid). The L-Tyrosine and iodine promote efficient hormone activity.

You can use organic whey protein instead of the hemp protein, of course. If your local store does not carry the organic protein powder you like, you can order these products online. My online source is because they have a lot of great products I use (protein powders, organic chocolate, etc.) and free shipping with a minimum purchase.

Now is also a good time to cut back on caffeine and to reduce your refined sugars. Stick with whole foods, organic when you can, and your breasts will grow faster and your body, in general, will be healthier!