Saturday, October 25, 2008

Asymmetrical Breasts, Like Sleeping With Two Different Women

A few months ago, a friend of mine broached a subject that is a common concern among many women. She knew that I had enlarged my breasts with a natural herbal breast enlargement program, and she wondered if something like that would help her.

What she was looking for was not exactly bigger breasts - just breasts that were the same size. Many, maybe most, women have breasts that are different sizes, one being larger than the other. Doctors refer to this condition as asymmetrical breasts. Often the size difference is barely noticeable. For some women the differences can be a cup size or more. In such cases, just buying a bra can drive you crazy...

My friend told me that she always tried to ignore her breast differences, but then her husband, during a moment of intimacy, trying to reassure her about how wonderful her breasts were, said, "I like the difference, I can pretend I am sleeping with two different women."

That was when she really realized how unbalanced her breasts were and it was bothering her.

To make a long story shorter, I eventually suggested she get a supply of Perfect Woman breast cream. And then each day, apply the cream only to her right breast, the smaller one, while she massaged both breasts.

She tried the experiment and guess what happened, both breasts got bigger and firmer, but more importantly, the smaller one grew much larger, almost catching up in size to the bigger one. Today, they are much more equal visually.

I am wondering if anyone else has tried this experiment and what the results were. Please share any experience or comments that you might have on this subject of asymmetrical breasts.

By the way, my friend and her husband are closer than ever. She says, he loves her breasts and she does, too!


Anonymous said...

I was wondering, because i suffer with the same issue of assymetrical breasts at 23 years old...If any before and after pics were available. My left is a cup smaller than my right and if this cream does work, it would be a blessing. I always wanted to know what real intimacy was with my husband, instead of covering up. Intimacy feels so empty. Please help.

Aleya said...

When I started this blog I decided at the very beginning, I was not going to post pictures on this blog. To do it right would involve showing nude breasts. There are legal as well as social issues in posting such content which are just too complicated to deal with on a blogger blog.

I suggest that you give this a try, get a good breast enlargement cream, Perfect Woman or whatever you prefer. Apply the breast enlargement cream to the smaller breast and an aloe Vera lotion or other good skin care lotion on the bigger breast and massage them, once or twice a day.

Place your hands on your breasts with the fingers pointing inward. Gently massage your breasts in circles where each breast goes upward and inward toward each other. This general massage is in circles from below the breasts trying to gently push them up and into the middle chest area.

Due about 360 circles and the last 60 circles just massage the smaller breast. This takes about 3 minutes.

Massaging improves the circulation and helps the smaller breast absorb the phytoestrogens in the cream.

This way, most of the phytoestrogens will go to receptors in the smaller breast, stimulating growth there. Some of the phytoestrogens may be carried over to the bigger breast through the blood stream, but the greatest effect will go to the smaller breast. It should grow faster and catch up.

Intimacy - it is hard to share when we are uncertain about our bodies. My guess is this: Your husband knows about the difference in your breasts size and loves them. Not to get too Dr. Laura/Dr. Phil/Oprah on you, but sharing who you are right now maybe just the right thing to do.

Still, I certainly understand hiding your breasts and if getting them closer to the same size makes it easier for you to share them, then go for it.

Best wishes and keep us informed on how you are doing!